Secure Data with the WorkSecure Suite® from Transparent BPO

Discover how we can help you do work-from-home right.

Work-from-home is no longer a ‘nice to have’—it’s a contact center requirement. With our WorkSecure Suite® we can successfully deploy your agents to an industry-leading work-from-home model that includes secure monitoring and compliance-ensuring capabilities.







Transparent BPO’s technology infrastructure ensures quick and seamless deployment, giving us the ability to support an agent onsite one day and then from-home the very next—limiting the downtime you’d typically see in this quick-moving scenario. Employees can even BYOD (bring your own device) while we maintain 100% control over their computer for continual compliance.

Added Value of the WorkSecure Suite®:

  • Flexibility and speed to deploy work-from-home solutions;
  • Ensure all systems are compliant and secure;
  • Maximum redundancy and uptime in a work-from-home scenario.


Two-factor authentication isn’t secure enough in a work-from-home model. At Transparent BPO, we use three different factors for authentication that eliminates the need for cell phone tokens in the work area and ensures no other system can access your secure environment.

Added Value of the WorkSecure Suite®:

  • Avoid common security lapses in work-from-home environments;
  • Removes any workarounds for accessing client or consumer information.


Background noise is one of the hardest obstacles to overcome in a work-from-home deployment. Using Transparent BPO’s artificial intelligence software, it recognizes and removes background noise in real-time with undetectable 15ms latency, leaving only a clean human voice. No more dogs barking. No air conditioners or fans. No doorbells. 

Added Value of the WorkSecure Suite®:

  • No distractions to consumers;
  • No impact on voice quality;
  • Increased customer satisfaction and engagement.


Proprietary software developed exclusively by Transparent BPO allows random monitoring and scoring of agent’s physical home environment to ensure compliance. Our Quality Monitor Agents are continually reviewing the audits to ensure the physical environment is always meeting security requirements.

Added Value of the WorkSecure Suite®:

  • Agent scan verified against employee badge for user verification;
  • Work environment scan ensures adherence to clean desk policy and that no one is hovering in the work area;
  • Most work-from-home environments only provide security during log-in/scheduled audits where our solution ensures continual compliance;
  • Meets PCI requirements;
  • Ability to take action on violators immediately.


Home internet connections outside of a contact center’s physical environment can present stability issues, but not without a home internet monitoring solution. Transparent BPO provides continual monitoring from the agents’ desktops to our servers,. checking for latency, jitter, disruption of data, and voice connectivity to ensure a quality customer experience.

Added Value of the WorkSecure Suite®:

  • Avoids agent reluctance to self-report issues;
  • Transparent BPO able to prioritize troubleshooting of connections, including check-in from a team leader, IT support, or removing an agent from queue;
  • Maximizes consumer and client experience.

“I was impressed with Transparent BPO’s WorkSecure Suite® of work-from-home products, and the background noise eradicator SecureVoice, in particular, grabbed my attention,” said Stephen Loynd of TrendzOwl. “SecureVoice loads on any environment and is headset agnostic. The AI is low latency and filters out background noise, learning over time what kind of noises need to be silenced (not only on the agent side but on the customer side as well). Background noise can be among the most vexing issues for homeshored agents, but the company is currently using the solution not only in the home environment but at bricks and mortar centers too.”