Washington Business Journal Ranks TBPO Among 75 Fastest-Growing Companies in DC Area

10 November, 2018



The Washington Business Journal listed Transparent BPO as one of 2018’s 75 fastest-growing companies in the DC area.

To qualify, each company listed had to be headquartered in the greater Washington DC area, private and independently owned. Companies also had to have revenue growth each year between 2015 and 2017, with revenue of at least $2 million in 2015 and at least $10 million in 2017.

The Business Journal reviewed more than 2,000 local companies to find out key financial and other details. Companies making the list were ranked by the average percentage growth in revenue over the three-year period.

Read the announcement here: https://www.bizjournals.com/washington/news/2018/11/02/rankings-revealed-2018-fastest-growing-companies.html