Customer Service: The Difference Between Omnichannel and Multichannel Experiences

07 August, 2018



Which experience does your call center offer customers, omnichannel or multichannel? Do you know the difference?

My latest article for Nearshore Americas — Are You Sure Your Customers Are Getting an Omnichannel Experience? — explains the differences.

The explanation is necessary because there are many call center environments where providers — but likely not customers — think they are delivering an omnichannel experience when they are actually more multichannel. In fact, only about five percent of companies offer true multichannel, according to Gartner.

Asking and answering the following two questions will help you distinguish the difference:

  • Do your customer service channels consist of a series of unsynchronized silos?
  • Do agents have full operational visibility into the customer journey and relationship?

If you answered yes to the first question and no to the second, your call center is operating in a multichannel environment.

How, then, do you make the switch from multichannel to omnichannel? It starts by acknowledging that omnichannel is a necessary component of digital transformation and a digital business is not genuinely enabled until each employee is also a digital worker.

As to the specific steps to take after that, you’ll have to read the article to find out!

At Transparent BPO, we support your brand throughout the customer lifecycle. Our agents understand the importance of each touchpoint in the customer lifecycle and know how to turn prospects into qualified leads, convert sales, and retain those newly-minted customers for years to come.

To learn more about the services we offer, schedule a consultation. It’s free and puts you under no obligation. You can also call us at 800-276-5140.