Belize Prime Minister References Transparent BPO in Annual New Year Address

03 January, 2019


Belize Prime Minister, Dean Barrow, included a reference to Transparent BPO in his annual New Year’s address:

“One example of this is illustrated by the recent news, headlined by Nearshore Americas, that Transparent BPO is currently building Belize’s biggest call center. According to our Trade Minister, construction of the new premises is already well underway. When completed, Transparent’s new structure will host more than 1500 employees, just about double the amount now working at Transparent’s present locations. There is, according to the publication I referenced, much satisfaction with the quality of the Belizean workers at Transparent; and I take this opportunity to pay public tribute to them.”

While the employee number is not quite as large as he cited — the actual number will be approximately 1,280 — the fact that he makes mention of our growth is significant and speaks to the impact TBPO is having on the nation’s economy.

You can view his address below — his remarks about Transparent BPO begin at the 9-minute mark — and read the full transcript here.