7 Questions to Ask Contact Center Vendors About Employee Attrition
Companies looking for an outsourced nearshore contact center vendor partner have many factors to consider, not the least of which is the vendor’s employee attrition rate.
In my article at Nearshore Americas (the second in a series), I outline seven questions companies should ask about attrition.
Questions include:
What is the attrition rate? Low turnover rates aren’t always a positive sign.
When do employees leave? Ninety days is an industry benchmark so ask for pre- and post-ninety numbers.
Why do employees leave? Knowing why employees leave can tell you a lot about the vendor.
Do you conduct exit and stay interviews? Avoid vendors that don’t make this practice routine.
Do you use a hiring profile? The presence of a hiring profile signals the vendor’s seriousness about finding the right employee for the client.
Could you describe your training practices? Look at the initial training, whether the vendor has a nesting (transition) period and provides ongoing training and coaching.
What is the company culture like? This is a big one. More employees leave because of the company’s culture than the demands of the job, so learn all you can about this vital area.
I conclude the article with this piece of advice:
“In answering attrition-related questions, contact centers will want to portray themselves in the best light. If you aren’t specific in your questions and get meaningful answers, you will walk away without a coherent understanding of the vendor’s capabilities, culture, and management style.
“The more you know about why employees leave, the clearer your judgment about whether the vendor is a good fit for your organization.”
Visit Nearshore Americas to read the article in its entirety.
If you’re looking for a nearshore contact center vendor that puts a great deal of emphasis on hiring the right employees for the job, provides high-quality training and coaching, and treats employees well to lower attrition, look no further than Transparent BPO. Contact us to learn more about the services we offer or schedule a free consultation.